Rage reduction therapy

A controversial group of therapies designed to help individuals with attachment disorders.

Rapid prompting method

A controversial group of therapies designed to help individuals with attachment disorders.

Raven’s progressive matrices

Intelligence tests using non-verbal tools

Rebound therapy

A therapy using trampolines for therapeutic exercise and recreation.

Reciprocity training

An intervention whereby a person is trained to detect and respond appropriately to the attempts of the individual with autism to communicate, however subtle or challenging.

Recreation therapy

The therapeutic use of play.


A therapeutic method of relieving pain by stimulating certain pressure points on the hands and feet.


Going backwards in development, such as losing skills previously acquired.

Regressive autism

When a person had been progressing normally as a child and then developed autism by the age of 3.

REI (Rhythmic Entertainment Intervention)

A therapy using recorded hand drumming rhythms to improve brain function.


A form of therapy using simple hands-on, no touch and visualisation techniques to improve the flow of life energy and to relieve stress and pain.

Repetitive behaviour

Repetitive movements, rituals and insistence on routines.

Residential care

A residential setting providing 24-hour care and support.

Respite care

Short term care for a person with autism or other disability which provides their usual carers with short breaks, relief and support.

Responsiveness training

The same as reciprocity training (see Reciprocity training).

REST (Restricted Environment Stimulation Therapy)

A therapy based on restricting sensory input, such as reducing sounds, light and smells.

Rett syndrome

A neurological disorder affecting girls which slows development and then leads to regression (see Regression).

Riding therapy

Also called hippotherapy (see Hippotherapy).

Right hemisphere learning disorder

A non-verbal learning disorder whereby people experience difficulties with some arithmetic and visuo-spatial skills. It is often accompanied with social behaviour difficulties.

Ritualistic behaviour

Behaviours which include stereotyped movements such as flicking, flapping, rocking, spinning. Repetition of established procedures and routines.


A therapy of structural integration involving deep manipulation of the body’s soft tissue in order to realign and balance the body. It can relieve chronic pain and reduce stress.

Rotation diet

A diet intended to keep the body metabolism on an even keel whilst not restricting a person’s cravings.


A disease also known as German measles which is highly contagious. The main risk is to pregnant women in their first trimester, as it can cause birth defects or death of the fetus.

Rubinstein Taybi syndrome

A congenital condition characterized by mental and motor retardation.