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If you work for a local authority and are involved in implementing the autism strategy for your area, you may find the ‘Local Authority Autism Strategy Toolkit’ hepful. This is meant as a framework for your own discussions including elements to consider, milestones and goals. Click on the link above to download this document.

Across England and Wales local authority and NHS teams have been implementing the Autism Act 2009 and the guidelines Fulfilling and rewarding lives: the strategy for adults with autism in England.

Living Autism have supported the autism strategy teams for a number of local authorities, including representation on autism boards and advising autism leads. Living Autism team members have provided key support at every stage of the process, including:

  • Identifying the composition of autism partnership boards
  • Involving key stakeholders and establishing the autism steering group
  • Presenting the background to the Autism Act, an introduction to autism for those that are new to the field and moderating the introductory meeting
  • Continuous support and engagement with autism leads throughout the process from service mapping, local strategy drafting and implementation.
  • Sharing of ‘best practices’ across local authorities regionally and nationwide

If you are currently working on your autism strategy and would like to discuss how we can help, please get in touch with us on 0113 8150 210 or emailing

If you need help looking for services for an individual with an autism spectrum condition, we can help. Click below for the Autism Placement Support Service.

Autism placement support services